CBLS has developed and is developing non-invasive experimental platforms to investigate the neural mechanisms of memory and learning, to monitor mental activities during studies and to provide brain-based interventions for effective learning. We are using various technology in the field of neuroscience and here are our equipments.

Siemens MAGNETOM, a TIM Trio

BioSemi EEG

BioSemi's goal is to provide the scientific community with state-of-the-art instrumentation for electro physiology research. Using the latest available technology and offering maximum freedom of configuration and flexibility to integrate our hard- and software in your laboratory setup are the key principles in our designs. The products are specifically designed to be used in research applications only. It consists of a low noise DC coupled post-amplifier, with a first order anti-aliasing filter, followed by a Delta-Sigma modulator with an oversampling rate of 64, and decimation filter with a steep fifth ordersinc response and high resolution 24-bit output. The digital outputs of all the AD converters (up to 256) are digitally multiplexed and sent to the PC via a single optical fiber without any compression or other form of data reduction.

Biopac MP

The biopac system is a computer-based acquisition system for life science research and education. With data acquisition unit(MP150 or MP100), which takes incoming signals and converts them into digital signals, amplifiers, electrodes and cables, most of the physical signal can be collected such as ECG,EDA,EMG,EOG,etc, it can also record other types of signals, such audio signal, using interface modules. If you wanted, you can Acq software for displaying signals on the screen and some basic analysis. The MP unit takes incoming signals and converts them into digital signals that can be processed with the computer. The MP150 high-speed data acquisition system utilizes the very latest in Ethernet technology. The MP150 is compliant with any Ethernet (UDP) ready PC running Windows or Macintosh. This next generation product takes full advantage of cutting edge technology. Access multiple MP150 devices located on a local area network and record data to any computer connected to the same LAN. Record multiple channels with variable sample rates to maximize storage efficiency. Record at speeds up to 400 kHz (aggregate).

Eyelink 1000

The EyeLink 1000’s high-speed camera comes in two varieties (Standard and Fiber Optic), each with identical eye tracking capabilities. The cameras have been designed to interchangeably fit into different mounting options (with the exception that the Fiber Optic camera is exclusively used with the Long Range Mount). This means that purchase of a single Base System plus an array of mounts, allows the same eye tracker to be used in a wide range of settings from high precision recording in the laboratory with the head stabilized, to Remote recording without head stabilization, to sensitive and specialized recording environments like MRI or MEG settings. In all of these modes the unprecedented low noise, stability and the world’s fastest sampling rates are available. The EyeLink 1000 is a truly multipurpose eye tracking solution.


Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a form of neurostimulation which uses constant, low current delivered directly to the brain area of interest. It produces physical changes in the brain's structure as well as physiological changes in its response. TDCS increases cortical excitability, which can be measured in recordings of brain waves, and it also causes changes in the structure of the brain's connections that can be observed on an MRI. By using electricity to energize neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, researchers are hopeful that they have found a harmless and drug-free way to double the speed of learning.